Rajesh Koothrappali, played by Kunal Nayyar, had his greatest problem yet in the most recent episode of “The Big Bang Theory”: how to be yourself. Raj has essentially become a caricature in the 11 seasons of the CBS sitcom. He clings to his best friend Howard (Simon Helberg), and although the two of them have experienced many amusing moments, just a small amount of development has occurred in Raj’s plot. His personal development has stagnated in favor of utilizing him as a receptacle for jokes that stereotype Indians, regardless of whether it concerns his sexual relationships, professional trajectory, or general personal development.
He finally had a well-deserved respite from playing this stereotypical caricature with this episode, titled “The Confidence Erosion.” Raj, a Caltech astrophysicist, is having a meeting to discuss a fascinating side job at the Griffith Observatory. Howard uses this opportunity to make jokes about his chances even though all of his buddies are supporting him. Raj writes it off as Howard being silly as usual, but later he recalls how Howard was a different person when he went to California from India more than ten years ago. He regrets that he used to be much more confident, but that confidence somehow disappeared.
He sounds unsure of how well he fared during his conversation with his father following the Observatory interview. Raj’s father, Dr. V. M. Koothrappali (Brian George), notes that Howard’s continual jest may be to blame for Raj’s weakened self-confidence because what true friend would do it to anyone so frequently.
Raj initially comes across as dubious, but after discussing it with friends and coming to a deeper understanding, he decides he no longer wants to be mistreated. The following day, Raj cuts off his bromance with Howard after explaining this to him. Howard then asks if he can see any more needy Indian men while we’re taking a break.
Raj has increased confidence as a result of this abrupt transformation in his life, which helps him land the job he wanted. Beyond that, he is no longer the limp Indian person. His slurred Indian accent has somewhat subsided, his fashion sense has vastly improved, he no longer flat irons his hair (he took Howard’s lead on this one), and he now rocks his natural curls.
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