Aharen san Wa Hakarenai, a lovely anime, combines coziness and intimacy. In the summer of 2023, a brand-new romantic comedy will arrive to cheer up anime enthusiasts.
The best sections of this anime, which are full of comic gold and some of the most endearing love tension this anime season, will be carried along by the couple’s attractiveness.
Aharen San Wa Hakarenai Trailer
Aharen San Wa Hakarenai is a narrative that will melt your heart with the attention to detail it pays to the complexities in the relationship between high students. Here is a little excerpt from the book. Although some of it could make you grimace. We can all agree, though, that romance is awful.
The intimacy that the title character Aharen San is used to is the central premise of the comedy in this instance. And this would have been a terribly awkward and improper program if it weren’t for how comfortable the primary romantic couple is with one another.
Closeness is Comedy Gold
The protagonist of the narrative is a high school student named Raidou who is eager to stand out and be more approachable than he was in middle school. He strikes up a conversation with Aharen San, who is seated next to him at his table, on the first day of his new high school.
On the first day, he makes an effort to speak, saying things like “good morning” and “have a pleasant day,” as well as asking about the weather or “how are you feeling today,” which are pointless small-talk topics. Unfortunately, she doesn’t reply to any of his remarks.
Being outgoing and interacting with others, given Raidou’s exhausted and battered state, seems pointless. But just as he turns to head home, he sees that Aharen’s lips had been moving.
He continues and heads home, assuming that this was all in his head. The following day, though, Aharen San approaches him from behind and says her first words.
In order to better understand and comfort one another’s fears, these two start to push each other’s physical and emotional boundaries.
Romantic comedies frequently get monotonous once the lead pair starts dating. Or the show creates absurd situations that put the getting together portion on hold.
Series like Hiromiya or Wotakoi have effectively demonstrated how these clichés can be handled. A little personality and heart to the writing and plot structure are the only things that matter in the series.
What Else to Expect?
Aharen San Wa Hakanerai will have 12 episodes for its debut season in the summer of 2023, for all those it may concern, including romantic comedy enthusiasts and shoujo scene otaku. Additionally, Crunchyroll allows you to watch all the episodes directly from the simulcast in Japan.
We can only hope that Aharen San Wa Hakanerai delivers us another Horimiya or Komi Can’t Communicate for this season, and that Raidou ends up being the best boy and Aharen the best female.
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